Low-code platforms have emerged as powerful tools that promise to accelerate the creation of applications with minimal hand-coding within the software development space. Despite their growing popularity, several myths and misconceptions about low-code development exist, with low-code solutions not completely understood.

In this article we will uncover the truth behind some of the most common myths surrounding low-code platforms and development, learning some real-life examples to understand the power of low-code.

What is Low Code?

Low-code development refers to a visual approach to software development that enables individuals to build applications using visual interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality. It minimises the need for manual coding, reducing the development cycle and enabling faster application delivery. Low-code platforms provide a range of pre-built components, templates, and integrations that accelerate development while maintaining the flexibility to customise applications according to specific business requirements.


Myth 1: Low-Code Is Only for Simple Applications

Truth: One of the most common myths about low-code platforms is that they are only suitable for creating simple, basic applications. While it's true that low-code tools excel at building straightforward apps quickly, they are equally capable of handling complex, enterprise-grade solutions. Modern low-code platforms offer robust features, including integration with other systems, scalability, and advanced security measures, making them suitable for complex business processes and applications.

Real-Life Example:

Many large enterprises, including 97% of Fortune 500 companies[1], use low-code platforms to develop business-critical applications. These platforms enable rapid prototyping, iterative development, and seamless integration with existing systems, proving that low-code is not limited to basic apps.


Myth 2: Low-Code Means Low Quality

Truth: Another common misconception is that applications built on low-code platforms are of lower quality compared to traditional software development solutions. Low-code platforms come with built-in best practices, standardised processes, and automated testing capabilities that ensure high-quality outputs. Low-code platforms often include visual development tools, pre-built templates, and drag-and-drop functionality that streamline the development process without compromising on quality.

Real-Life Example:

Many businesses use low-code due to its scalability but also because of it's longevity of components with little manual upgrades. Two well known financial institutions, Barclays and HSBC, use low-code solutions to help with global operations and streamlining customer management. These examples highlight how low-code platforms are not only capable of handling complex and critical applications but also offer meet rigorous business requirements and industry standards. 


Myth 3: Low-Code Is Only for Non-Developers

Truth: While low-code platforms are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to individuals with minimal coding experience, they are not exclusively for non-developers. Professional developers can leverage low-code to accelerate development cycles, automate repetitive tasks, and focus on more complex aspects of the application.

Real-Life Example:

Developers can use low-code platforms to prototype ideas quickly, validate concepts with stakeholders, and then add custom code to enhance functionality. This approach maximises efficiency and allows for greater innovation and customisation.


Myth 4: Low-Code Platforms Lack Flexibility

Truth: Another common misconception is that low-code development lacks the flexibility required for unique and custom business solutions. In reality, low-code platforms provide a wide range of customisation options. Most modern low-code platforms are highly extendable, allowing developers to incorporate custom code, APIs, and third-party integrations to meet specific requirements. This hybrid approach ensures that developers can meet specific business requirements without being constrained by the platform's limitations.

Real-Life Example:

Low-code platforms like Microsoft PowerApps provide extensive libraries of plugins and over 1000 certified connectors[2], enabling seamless integration with various systems and services. Developers can also write custom code when necessary to extend the platform's capabilities.


Myth 5: Low-Code Is Just a Passing Trend

Truth: Some individuals view low-code development as a passing trend that will soon be replaced by the next big thing in tech. However, the steady growth and adoption of low-code platforms indicate that they are here to stay. Their ability to speed up development, reduce costs, and streamline application development makes them an essential part of the future of software development.

Real-Life Example:

Industry analysts predict significant growth in the low-code market over the next couple of years and is projected to reach £28.62 billion by 2027[3]. Businesses across various sectors are investing in low-code platforms to stay competitive as well as keeping their development costs down.


Myth 6: Low-Code Platforms Are Not Secure

Truth: Security is a top concern for any application, and there is a myth that low-code platforms do not provide adequate security measures. The market leaders of low-code platforms prioritise security and offer various built-in security features, such as role-based access control, data encryption, and compliance with industry standards. Additionally, these platforms often undergo rigorous security audits and certifications to ensure they meet the highest security standards.

Real-Life Example:

Low-code platforms such as Microsoft' Power Platform have detailed documentation of the security of their low-code tools and security guidance best practices. You can protect your organisation with Power Platform with its double encryption, embedded identity management, and multifactor authentication shared by Azure and Microsoft 365. 


Final Thoughts

Low-code development is changing the way applications are built, making it accessible, efficient, and robust. By debunking these myths and explaining the truth behind them, it becomes clear that low-code platforms are powerful tools that can handle complex projects while maintaining high quality.

Embracing low-code development can lead to more innovative solutions, faster time-to-market, and a more collaborative approach to solving business challenges. As the technology continues to evolve, it's time to see the value and true potential of low-code development.


Are you wanting to find out more information on Low-Code development and how it can adapt your business and streamline processes? Contact Netshell today to see how we can help build a custom business solution, utilising Low-Code for your specific business needs.