In the fast-paced world of technology, software has become a cornerstone of both personal and professional life. When we invest in software development, it's easy to assume that once the software is deployed, the work is done. However, the true value of your software investment becomes evident during the support and maintenance phase.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the significance of software support and maintenance and why it's essential for to maximising the value of your technical investment.

What is Support and Maintenance?

Support of Software

This involves addressing user queries, troubleshooting issues, and providing assistance in utilising the software effectively. Support ensures that users have a resource to turn to when encountering challenges or seeking clarification.

Maintenance of Software

Maintenance goes beyond user assistance. It encompasses activities like bug fixes, performance optimisations, and updates to keep the software aligned with changing requirements, technological advancements, and security standards.

The Importance of Software Support and Maintenance Together

  • Security: Cybersecurity threats are a constant concern in our digitally connected world. Without regular updates and security patches, your software can become vulnerable to attacks, putting your data and the data of your users at risk. Software support and maintenance are essential for staying ahead of potential security breaches.
  • Bug Fixes: No software is entirely immune to bugs. Even with thorough testing, issues can arise after deployment. Neglecting these bugs can lead to a frustrating user experience and affect user adoption. Support and maintenance ensure that issues are identified and resolved promptly.
  • Performance Optimisation: Over time, software can accumulate unnecessary data, slow down, or suffer from performance bottlenecks. Regular maintenance helps to optimise your software, making it more efficient and responsive.
  •  Compatibility: Operating systems, web browsers, and other technologies are continually evolving. Failing to update your software can lead to compatibility issues with new devices and platforms, resulting in a loss of users and opportunities.
  • User Satisfaction: Feedback from users is invaluable in improving your software. Maintenance allows you to incorporate user suggestions and address concerns, making your software more user-friendly and aligned with their needs.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Laws and regulations governing software can change, and non-compliance can lead to legal troubles and financial penalties. Regular maintenance ensures that your software adheres to the latest legal requirements.

What’s Normally Included

Understanding what's typically included in support and maintenance agreements is crucial for making informed decisions about your software investment.

Each software development house tailors its contracts, but certain elements are commonly found throughout different companies. According to Couchbase, a notable consideration is the cost of keeping your system secure and upgraded, amounting to approximately 15-20% of the initial development cost. [1]

A standard support and maintenance agreement often comes with a tiered system designed to align with your business requirements, budget constraints, and ongoing development needs. These tiers typically come with a range of Service Level Agreements (SLAs), a monthly allotment of hours, and access to the support team.

The monthly hours serve as dedicated time for crucial activities like software upgrades, bug fixes, consultancy, and technical support. This structured approach not only ensures that your software stays up-to-date but also provides a safety net for unforeseen issues, giving you peace of mind as you use your software products.

Final Thoughts

The combination of support and maintenance provides comprehensive coverage for your software. Support addresses immediate user concerns, such as bug fixes, user assistance, and training. Whereas maintenance focuses on long-term viability, security, compatibility, and performance optimisation. Together, they cover the entire spectrum of software management and facilitate in future-proofing your system.

When it comes to prioritising software support and maintenance, it’s not just about safeguarding your investment; you’re preparing your business for the future. The road to sustained success involves taking a proactive approach, continually refining your software, and making the commitment to support and maintenance to unlock its full potential.


Are you looking for a software development company to partner with for your next project? Contact Netshell today to see how we can help build a custom business solutions for your specific business needs.